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跌打傷科中醫館 PainFree Acupuncture

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Acupuncture for Pollen Allergies

Acupuncture therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for managing allergies, including pollen allergies.


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Acupuncture for Allergies

Allergies, including pollen allergies, can be managed with acupuncture therapy. Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate and balance the flow of energy, known as Qi, through the body.

There are various acupuncture points that can be used to help alleviate symptoms of pollen allergies. For example:

LI20: Located on both sides of the nose, this point can help relieve nasal congestion, sneezing, and runny nose.

LU7: Located on the inside of the wrist, this point can help relieve coughing and other respiratory symptoms.

LI11: Located at the crease of the elbow, this point can help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.

Research has shown that acupuncture can be an effective treatment for allergies. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that biweekly acupuncture treatments over a total of eight weeks can significantly reduce allergy symptoms such as itching, nasal congestion, and sneezing.

Acupuncture therapy is a safe and natural treatment option for managing pollen allergies. If you suffer from allergies, consider consulting with a licensed acupuncturist to see if this treatment is right for you.

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