Painfree Acupuncture 跌打傷科中醫館

跌打傷科中醫館 PainFree Acupuncture

跌打損傷·針灸推拿·痛症管理·Acupuncture·Pain treatment·Cupping·Tuina·Chinese Medicine·.

Neck pain

Neck pain is related with poor posture or strains neck muscle


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neck pain

Neck pain

Neck pain is a common symptom of many different injuries and medical conditions that involve any of the tissues in the neck, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments or muscles.


  • Stiff neck
  • Pain in the arm
  • Headache
  • Sharp pain
  • Pain when moving
  • Radiating pain or numbness
  • Pain when palpated
  • Difficulty with balance and walking
  • Weakness in the arms or legs

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We proviedes multidisciplinary therapy services including acupuncture, pain management, massage therapy, cupping, scraping, Chinese medicine, Tuina, herbal medicine.