Painfree Acupuncture 跌打傷科中醫館

跌打傷科中醫館 PainFree Acupuncture

跌打損傷·針灸推拿·痛症管理·Acupuncture·Pain treatment·Cupping·Tuina·Chinese Medicine·.

Treating Insomnia with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

According to Chinese medicine, insomnia is a manifestation of an underlying energy imbalance, which can be treated by identifying the root cause and using various techniques such as acupuncture, herbal remedies, and dietary therapy.


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traditional Chinese medicine

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture are often used as alternative treatments for insomnia. In this article, we will explore how TCM and acupuncture can help treat insomnia and improve overall sleep quality.

Herbal medicine

Herbal medicine, also called phytomedicine or phytotherapy, are natural botanical products, derived from plants, that people may use to treat and prevent diseases.


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Herbal medicine

Herbal medicine (also herbalism) is also called phytomedicine or phytotherapy. Herbal medicine is the study of pharmacognosy and the use of medicinal plants, which are a basis of traditional medicine. From the worldwide pharmacology study of herbal medicine, some of them have successfully been translated into modern remedies, such as aspirin, artemisinin and berberine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an alternative medical practice drawn from traditional medicine in China


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traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has evolved over thousands of years and has changed little over the centuries. The basic concept of TCM is that a vital force of life, called Qi, surges through the body. Any kind of imbalance to Qi can cause illness and diseases. such imbalance is most commonly thought to be caused by an alteration in the opposite and complementary forces that make up the Qi. These are called yin and yang.

Antiphospholipid syndrome and alternative therapy

The anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) is a systemic autoimmune disorder featured by recurrent thrombosis, obstetrical morbidity(pregnant loss), heart valve disease, renal failure, and neurologic complications induced by persistent anti-phospholipid antibodies (APLA).


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Antiphospholipid syndrome, or antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS or APLS), is an autoimmune, in which the immune system mistakenly creates antibodies that attack self tissues in the body. The antibodies can cause deep vein thrombosis (blood clots). The blood clots may form in lungs, kidneys, spleen or legs. when no other causes are found, Antiphospholipid antibodies are a major cause for recurrent miscarriages and pregnancy complications.

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We proviedes multidisciplinary therapy services including acupuncture, pain management, massage therapy, cupping, scraping, Chinese medicine, Tuina, herbal medicine.